Hong Kong – China
Five large homelands, called “autonomous regions,” have been created for China’s major national minorities (Tibetans, Mongols, Uighur, Hui, and Zhuang). In addition, twenty-nine self-governing districts and seventy-two counties have been set up for the other national minorities.
Austronasian; Gan; Hakka; Iranian; Korean; Mandarin; Miao-Yao; Min; Mongolian; Russian; Tibeto-Burman; Tungus; Turkish; Wu; Xiang; Yue; Zhuang
Common Religions:
Taoism; Confucianism; Buddhism. Approximately 5% are Christians (67 million people.)
Problems for people here:
Even though PIME helped to establish the Diocese of Hong Kong back in the 1800’s, our work on the mainland has been varyingly contested. China has two different churches, the one sanctioned by the government and the one that exists “underground”. China has wished to conform the Church to their practices, which has caused many humanitarian efforts on the mainland to be extinguished. PIME also has devoted humanitarians working with the poor and downtrodden in Hong Kong. PIME’s Missionaries have fought for equal rights for all on the island even when it was British-controlled. A recent, widening gap between the rich and the poor has brought with it an educational crisis.
How PIME helps the mission here:
The Fuhong and Huiling programs aim to help the intellectual and social development of disabled Chinese people, and to try and remove the stigma that exists around disability in China. Programs help them to learn marketable trades as well, ensuring that their dignity is top priority. PIME Missionaries also often fight on the behalf of worker’s rights in the country, in addition to celebrating the Sacraments.