
Laying a Faith Foundation

PIME’s charitable Mission Development Projects are the building blocks that make up the foundation of the genuine, Catholic communities that our missionaries form in areas around the world. Each project varies in its objective and needs to fit those that the PIME Missionary means to help.

Our Mission Development Projects aim to meet the physical needs of clean water, sustainable food, or medical necessities of all varieties.

These needs are met to allow a community to thrive spiritually and decide to be authentic Catholics. PIME Missionaries never proselytize instead, embodying the merciful love of Christ.

Providing a Sustainable Future

Isolation, whether it’s geographical or societal, causes many of the places where PIME serves to be lacking the most basic survival needs such as clean water, electricity, and even nutritious food.

Projects are focused on sustainable development, anything we do is focused on the well-being of the current generation and the future one.

We establish these communities so that they can spread the Good News themselves, and we make sure that they will have what they need to do so for years to come.

Catholic Missionaries caring for and developing communities around the world