
Join us in prayer

Register now to join us at our Advent Virtual Mission Rosary Zoom event on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 7 PM EST! Fr. Daniele Criscione, US Mission Center Director, will guide us as we contemplate the rosary with 5 PIME Missionaries in Brazil this Advent Season.

RSVP now to unite with us in prayer at this Advent Virtual Mission Rosary Zoom event and please let us know if you would like us to mail you a FREE Mission Rosary to pray along with us.

The Advent Virtual Mission Rosary is unique as we will not only pray the rosary with 5 PIME Missionaries, but they will pray in various languages from their Mission in Brazil. Your Zoom link to join the Virtual Rosary event will be emailed to the email address you submit on the Monday before the event.

*Free mission rosaries limited to participants in the United States

Sign up for our Virtual Mission Rosary event!

5 Decades 5 Missionaries


White Decade (Europe) - Fr. Raul Bontè, PIME

Originally from Guinea Bissau, Fr. Raul Bonte is a PIME Missionary Priest whose mission exists entirely on the waters of the Amazon River. As Pastor of Our Lady of Navigators Parish, Fr. Raul cares for isolated communities along the Amazon River. Fr. Raul will be praying the white decade of the rosary for Europe in his native Criolo and English.


Blue Decade (Oceania)- Fr. Ace Valdez, PIME

Fr. Ace Valdez is a Filipino PIME Missionary Priest and the Executive Editor of Mission World’s Brazilian Sister Magazine - Mundo e Missão. In addition to his duties with PIME’s Brazilian editorial, Fr. Ace also assists Fr. Bosco with his duties at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in São Paulo. Fr. Ace will be praying the blue decade of the rosary for Oceania in Tagalog and English.


Yellow Decade (Asia) - Fr. Carlos Carmona, PIME

A PIME Missionary Priest from Mexico, Fr. Carlos Carmona cares for the faithful of Our Lady of Navigators Parish. Together with Fr. Raul, they spends weeks bringing the sacraments and aid to the Amazonian communities aboard their floating rectory, a boat named The Alpino. Fr. Carlos will be praying the yellow decade of the rosary for Asia in Spanish and English.


Green Decade (Africa) - Fr. Giancarlo Vecchiato, PIME

An Italian PIME Missionary Priest for over 50 years - spending a great deal of that in Brazil - Fr. Giancarlo Vecchiato serves the Pontifical Institute at their house in Ibiporã - where PIME recently constructed the beautiful Queen of the Apostles Chapel. Fr. Giancarlo will be praying the green decade of the rosary for Africa in Portuguese and English.


Red Decade (Americas) - Fr. Bosco, PIME

Fr. Bosco is an India PIME Missionary serving as Pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in the favela slums of São Paulo, Brazil. Here, Fr. Bosco provides spiritual nourishment, physical aid, and social programs to the disenfranchised community of his parish - who live without electricity, running water, or a proper sewage system. Fr. Bosco will be praying the final, red decade of the rosary for the Americas in Telegu and English.

Let us pray for you

Leave us your full name and prayer intention and we will also pray for you during the Virtual Mission Rosary.

You can also help support us in the work that our PIME Missionaries commit their lives to in 19 countries around the world by making a donation now. Please note: a donation is not required for your prayer intention to be included in the event.

Please leave us your prayer intention

What is the Mission Rosary?

The World Mission Rosary was envisioned by Archbishop Fulton John Sheen, then the national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, in 1951. He made the request on a radio show that his listeners “Embrace the world in prayer.” To do so he introduced this Rosary.


The uniqueness of the rosary lies in the five colors represented by the beads of each decade. This rosary honors the work of mission, our call to be missionaries, and a dedication to world unity and peace.

Each continent is represented by a different color, making it not only a beautiful rosary, but one rich in symbolism.

What do the Colors Represent?

Yellow - symbolizes Asia and the Middle East. Together we will pray for our missionaries in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Myanmar, The Philippines, and Thailand.

Green - symbolizes Africa. Together we will pray for our missionaries in Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, and Tunisia.

Red – symbolizes North and South Americas. Together we will pray for our missionaries in Brazil, Mexico, and The United States.

White – symbolizes Europe. Together we will pray for our missionaries in Italy.

Blue - symbolizes Oceania. Together we will pray for our missionaries in Papua New Guinea.